How to Make A Glow Item Frame in Minecraft

How to Make A Glow Item Frame in Minecraft

Minecraft understands that you need to have your own freedom in the game. It understands the value of customization and how it can provide a much better gaming experience. For that reason the Minecraft gameplay continues to evolve and add new features that allow for better personalization and customization for you and other players as well. One such feature that was recently added to Minecraft is the glow item frame. You can make your own glow item frame if you want and use it as a decorating item in your house. In this article we will explain how to make your own glow item frame, but before that let us take some time to understand what this glow item frame is and what are its uses in Minecraft. 

How to Make A Glow Item Frame in Minecraft?

Glow Item Frame in Minecraft: What it is and its Uses

In simple terms, a glow item frame in Minecraft is an item for decoration. It is a frame that you can create which allows you to put an item on your wall for decorating purposes and which will glow continuously, even in the dark. You can use this item in many different ways. One way is to mark a specific room for a specific task. You can use the glow frame item as a sign mentioning the purpose of that room or what that room contains. For example, let’s say that you have a room full of weapons. You can use the glow frame to put a sign outside the door that says ‘weapons’ so that you know what that particular room is for. 

However, before we begin to explain how to craft a glow item frame there are two items that you will need before-hand: 

  • Glow ink sac: this is an item that is dropped by the glow squid mobs in Minecraft. You can find these squids deep in the ocean if you look hard for them. 
  • 1 item frame: you will need a total of eight sticks and one leather to craft an item frame.

The glow ink sac is the most important item in this recipe. Let’s take a closer look at the glow squid mobs to understand how you can get the glow ink sac droppings from these mobs. 

Glow Squid Mobs

Glow squid mobs are a type of aquatic passive mobs that are usually found deep in the ocean. They are typically found in ravines, underground lakes, and ocean depths. In the Java edition glow squid mobs spawn in groups of 2 to 4 deep under water where there is complete darkness and no light; anywhere below the layer of 30. Unlike other aquatic mobs, these glow squid mobs do not require waterlogged blocks above or below their spawning space. In the Bedrock edition glow squid mobs spawn anywhere in water deep underground in groups of 2 to 4 below a solid roof that is categorised as cave spawn.

Glow squid mobs drop an item that is known as glow ink sacs. Unlike normal inks these types of inks can be used to create glowing texts. This can be used to make the text read clearly in low light or in darkness.. The maximum amount of this is increased by 1 level per looting. However, it is important to remember that these mobs spawn as babies in the Bedrock edition as well. If you kill them while they are babies then like all the other mobs in Minecraft they won’t drop anything. 

As long as they are in the water, the glow squid mobs wander around aimlessly. This may give you a good opportunity to spot them and to kill them for glow ink sac droppings. They are also susceptible to the Impaling enchantment since they are aquatic mobs. You can use this to your advantage as well. Also, remember that glow squid mobs cannot survive on land. If they are forced out of water then they will suffocate and die. 

Moreover, Glow squid mobs are passive mobs, they do not harm you nor are they attracted to you when they spot you. Another thing to note is that these mobs may appear to glow but they do not produce light. When they are harmed or attacked they stop glowing for a matter of five seconds. 

Now that you know what glow squid mobs are, let us return to how to make a glow item frame in Minecraft. 

How to Make A Glow Item Frame?

We now know that we need a frame item and a glow ink sac in order to make a glow item frame. You can make the frame item using sticks and leather and you can obtain the glow ink sac item by killing a glow squid mob. 

Let us suppose that you have these two items in your inventory already. How would you begin to craft a glow frame item? The process is fairly easy, let us go through it together so that we can understand it more clearly: 

  • Open your crafting table that has a 3×3 crafting grid
  • Place the item frame in the crafting grid
  • Place the glow ink sac in the empty box next to the item frame
  • Once the process is over you will have a glow item frame
  • You can shift the glow item frame into your inventory and use it as you please

Moreover, like other few things in Minecraft, you have the option of obtaining glow item frames through the give command also. To use this simply open your chat box and enter this command in the empty space: “/give @p glow_item_frame 1” Using this command will successfully help you to gain glow item frames without any hassle. However, remember that you must first enable cheats in your Minecraft server in order to be able to use commands in your Minecraft gameplay. 


There you have it. Making a glow item frame in Minecraft is really that easy and simple. Since Minecraft is a game that heavily leans towards personalization and customization, an item such as the glow item frame can prove to be a valuable edition in your house or anywhere else that you want to showcase it. Remember that the enjoyment of the game comes from these small things. So try this one out for yourself and enjoy the process!       

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