How to make a Grindstone in Minecraft

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You can use a grindstone to convert your gathered enchanted objects into XP if you want to do something with them. The grindstone is a simple recipe that can be used as a job block for villagers or as a way to bind a room together in a crafting area. Grindstones are also useful for repairing tools.

When you use it, you’ll see a GUI with two input slots and one output slot.

When an enchanted item is placed in an input slot, a new non-enchanted item of the same type and durability is created in the output slot. The input item is consumed when the item is removed from the output slot, and some experience is gained.

Placing two items of the same type (enchanted or not) in the input slots creates a new non-enchanted item of that type with a durability equal to the total of the two input items’ durabilities, plus 5% of the item’s maximum durability (rounded down), up to its maximum durability. The process consumes both of the input elements. If any of the input items was enchanted, removing the output item will result in a gain of experience.

How to make a Grindstone in Minecraft

When you remove enchantments from items, you get an experience equal to the enchantment’s minimum modified enchantment level. The final amount is a uniformly distributed random number between half of the resulting sum (rounded up) and the total sum. The quantity of experience gained is determined by the number of enchantments and their levels, although it is also somewhat random. Fire Protection I, for example, provides 5-9 experiences.

The new item will have no prior work penalty, just as all non-enchanted items. A curse can’t be broken with a grindstone. The custom name of an item is likewise not removed by grindstones.

The arrow displays a red cross like that of an anvil and no item appears in the output slot if the action is not relevant (e.g. only one non-enchanted item or the two inputs are different items).

If a village has an unclaimed grindstone, every villager who has not yet chosen a job site block has the opportunity to change their profession to weaponsmith.

Grindstones are incapable of being pushed or pulled by sticky pistons.

Now that you know about Grindstone, let’s start making it.

Items required to make a Grindstone

First of all, to craft anything in Minecraft, one requires a Crafting Table.

Making crafting tables is as simple as placing a block of wood in the 2×2 crafting area and cutting it into four wooden planks. These four wooden planks are re-positioned in the crafting area, creating a crafting table.

Tables for crafting can be put on the ground. They display a 3×3 grid that may be used to make several of the game’s items.

You can also find Crafting Tables in Villages.

To make a Grindstone, you will need to combine the following materials in the Crafting Table:

  • Two Sticks

The material you’ll need to build sticks is the wood logs from any type of tree. Find a tree and chop down wood logs with your iron axe.

After that, you’ll need to build wooden planks on the crafting table. Open the 3*3 crafting grid on the crafting table and place wood blocks in the center or any cell of the grid. Wood planks can be found in the crafting table’s right-hand box.

Make two sticks out of two wooden planks. Place one plank in the middlebox of the upper row of the Crafting Table. Place the second plank in the middlebox of the middle row of the Crafting Table. You’ve now created a bundle of sticks, which you should drag from the results box into your inventory.

  • Two Wooden Planks

The material you’ll need to build wood planks is the wood logs from any type of tree. Find a tree and chop down wood logs with your iron axe.

After that, you’ll need to build wooden planks on the crafting table. Open the 3*3 crafting grid on the crafting table and place wood blocks in the center or any cell of the grid. Wood planks can be found at the crafting table’s right-hand box.

You can use any type of wood plank, be it, oak plank, spruce plank, birch plank, jungle plank, acacia plank, dark oak plank, crimson plank, warped plank.

  • One Stone Slab

To begin, acquire some cobblestone. Break some nearby stone with a pickaxe to obtain cobblestone. Place your cobblestone in a furnace to turn it into normal stone. Allow for the completion of the cooking process. To make stone slabs, you’ll need at least three normal stone pieces.

Place your stones in a row on a crafting table to make stone slabs.

Directions to make a Grindstone

  1. Firstly collect all the required items.
  1. When you have all the items, open the Crafting Table and drag the items there in the following fashion:
  • In the upper row of your 3×3 crafting table grid, place one Stone Slap in the middle column and two Sticks in the first and the last columns.
  • In the middle row of your 3×3 crafting table grid, place two Wooden Planks in the first and the columns.
  • Leave the lower row of your 3×3 crafting grid unoccupied.

Your Crafting grid will look like this.

  1. To turn the raw ingredients into Grindstone, click the craft button.
  1. After you’ve finished crafting the Grindstone, you will need to add it to your inventory.

You have finally crafted Grindstone in Minecraft, enjoy playing!

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