How to Make A Potion of Slowness (4:00) in Minecraft


Minecraft is a popular game with numerous items and objects to choose from. The gameplay has armors, swords, farms, etc to aid you in your quests and to become a great builder. One such thing to aid you in survival mode is potions. Potions in Minecraft play a very important role as you can tweak your avatar’s health and energy stats by using a specific potion. Brewing potions have also gained a lot of attention in these past few years with more and more players using different potions in different scenarios. In order to understand how to make a potion of slowness (4:00) let us first have a look at potions and how to brew potions in Minecraft. This will make the process of brewing a slow potion (4:00) easier and quicker to understand. 

How to Make A Potion of Slowness (4:00) in Minecraft

Potions and How to Brew Potions in Minecraft

In Minecraft you can brew potions and use them on your character or on your enemies. There are a range of potions available for you to brew such as healing potion, strength enhancers, invisibility potion, night vision potion, elemental cures and much more. Brewing a Minecraft potion is not that complicated. These potions usually need a base ingredient along with a modifier to enhance the potion’s specific qualities. 

To a brew a potion you will need: 

  • A cauldron
  • A water bottle
  • Some glass bottles which will contain your potions
  • A brewing stand for brewing potions
  • Blaze powder for fueling your brewing stand

Base ingredients are the first ingredient that you will add to the brewing stand. For every potion you brew you will need a base ingredient to determine the kind of potion that you want to brew. For example, using a Nether Wart as a base ingredient will give you Awkward potion, using Fermented Spider Eye will give you potion of weakness, etc. 

The second ingredients are those ingredients which are added to the base ingredients. They influence the type of potion that you want to create. For example, Rabbit’s Foot influences swiftness, Phantom Membranes influences slow falling, Golden Carrot influences night vision, etc. 

In addition, there are other ingredients called Element Ingredients that are used as cures, i.e, to cure nausea, poison, blindness, and so on. A Bismuth will cure nausea, Silver will cure poison, and Calcium will cure blindness. 

The basic steps of brewing a potion are as follows: 

  1. Make an Awkward potion using water bottle and Netherwart in the brewing stand
  2. Add an effect ingredient to specify the effect that you want the potion to have
  3. Add one more modifier ingredient to change the nature of the potion (this step is optional)

Furthermore, brewing stands are an important and a key object in brewing a potion. If you are unable to find a brewing stand in your journey then you have the option of crafting one. You must first combine one Blaze Rod and three Cobble Stone in a crafting table. You must place the single Blaze Rod in the centre with the three Cobble Stones in a single line below the rod. Viola! You have now successfully crafted a brewing stand. 

What is the Potion of Slowness in Minecraft? 

Now that we have understood what potions are and how to brew them, it is necessary to understand what the potion of slowness is in Minecraft before we discuss how to brew it. This will help us understand the potion’s value and how it can help you progress in the game. 

A potion of slowness in Minecraft is used to slow yourself down. When you apply this potion on yourself you will notice that it has reduced your speed by 15 percent. However, slowing yourself down doesn’t seem like a great idea, which is why you can turn this potion into Splash Potion of Slowness which you can then throw on your enemy mobs to slow them down. This will give you valuable time to either attack and kill them or to run away and save yourself from them. To brew this Splash Potion of Slowness all you need is Gunpowder and 1 Potion of Slowness.

To brew a standard Potion of Slowness you will need a Fermented Spider Eye. Add that to the base ingredient slot in a brewing stand and let the potion brew. Once it has brewed you will have successfully brewed a basic Potion of Slowness. You will require this potion in order to brew Potion of Slowness (4:00).   

How to Make Potion of Slowness (4:00) in Minecraft

In order to make a potion of slowness you need to first brew a potion of swiftness or a potion of leaping. The potion of swiftness increases your movement upto 40 percent by giving you the speed status effect. Here’s how you can brew a potion of swiftness fast: 

  • First brew an Awkward Potion using a water bottle and Netherwart
  • The essential ingredient for brewing this potion is sugar. Once you have acquired sugar add the item to the same crafting grid as the Awkward Potion
  • Let the potion brew. Once it is completed you have successfully brewed a potion of swiftness

You can enhance the potion with Glowstone Dust or extend it with Redstone Dust. 

Another option for brewing Potion of Slowness is to brew the Potion of Leaping. With this potion players can boost their jumps to 1¼ block rather than ½ a block. Here’s how you can easily brew a Potion of Leaping: 

  • Begin by brewing an Awkward Potion
  • The main ingredient for this potion is rabbit’s foot. You can obtain a rabbit’s foot from a rabbit or as a gift from a tamed cat. 
  • Once you have the rabbit’s foot place it in the same crafting grid as the Awkward Potion
  • Allow for it to brew. Once it is done you will have successfully brewed a Leaping Potion

Now that you have brewed Potion of Swiftness and Potion of Leaping we can move on to brewing Potion of Slowness (4:00): 

  • Open the brewing stand
  • Add blaze powder to activate the brewing stand
  • You will need 1 Potion of Slowness and 1 Redstone dust
  • Place the Potion of Slowness in one of the bottom boxes and add the Redstone Dust to the top boxes
  • Once the brewing is finished the Redstone Dust will disappear and you will hear a “glug, glug” sound
  • You have successfully brewed a Potion of Slowness (4:00)

Brewing potions in Minecraft increases the fun of the game. You can use these potions to suit your own needs and to upgrade your avatar and make them stronger. Now that you know how to brew potions why not give it a try yourself! 

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