How to make an Enchanting Table in Minecraft

How to make an Enchanting Table in Minecraft

Enchanting your weapons is one of the finest ways to gain strength, loot faster, and look cooler in Minecraft, but you’ll need an Enchanting Table to do it. Getting the appropriate items to make an Enchanting Table is frequently one of the key tasks in a new Minecraft survival game.

However, constructing an Enchanting Table is more difficult than constructing a crafting bench or a furnace. It takes a little more, and here’s how to go about doing it.

In Minecraft, players can enchant their armor, weapons, and tools to make them better, stronger, survive longer, deal more damage, and do other things.

How to make an Enchanting Table in Minecraft

Materials Required

Before we get into the methods or stages, we’d like to point out that you’ll need to gather a few objects, as they’re required to create an Enchanting in Minecraft. After you’ve gathered all of these items, you can begin following the instructions to build an enchanting table.

First and foremost, you must gather or produce the materials needed to make a lantern. The following is a list of raw materials:

  • 4 obsidian
  • 2 diamonds 
  • 1 book 


There are two basic methods for obtaining books. One, it makes them out of three types of paper and one type of leather. You must have found sugar cane for this, as three sugar cane in a row produces three sheets of paper. You can acquire leather from cows, but you can also get it from horses, donkeys, mules, Hoglins, and rabbits provided you don’t mind combining four rabbit hides.


Diamonds are the most valuable overworld mineral, and they’re most common at y-coordinates 10 and 11. They can only be mined with an iron pickaxe or higher, and you’ll need at least five to build an enchanting table, despite the fact that the crafting method only calls for two.

Obsidian Block

You’ll need the extra three diamonds since obsidian is required. Obsidian is made by combining water and lava, and it can only be mined with a diamond pickaxe or above. You’ll have all you need once you’ve built your diamond pickaxe and gathered four obsidian blocks.

Enchantment Table

A crafting area consisting of a 3×3 crafting grid should be visible in the crafting menu. Place 1 book, 2 diamonds, and 4 obsidian in the 3×3 crafting grid to create an enchanting table.

It’s critical to arrange the book, gems, and obsidian in the exact pattern shown in the image below while creating an enchanted table. One book should be in the center box of the first row. There should be one diamond in the first box, one obsidian in the second box, and one diamond in the third box on the second row. Three obsidian should be placed in the third row. This is how to make an enchantment table in Minecraft.

Three sheets of paper and one leather skin are required to make a book. Sugar cane is required to make paper (naturally occurring). You must kill a cow, horse, donkey, mule, or llama to obtain leather. Cows are more prone to shed a hide and can be discovered in greater numbers.

In the crafts table, place one paper in the first cell of the second row, one paper in the second cell of the second row, and one paper in the first cell of the last row. Place the leather hide in the third row’s second cell. Gather the book.

After you’ve finished crafting your Enchanting Table, place it in a room with 15 bookshelves arranged in a two-block radius square around it (as pictured in the thumbnail). You’ll be able to use enchantments up to level 30 with this.

Enchanting Items

While charmed goods can be found in treasure chests in the wild, most players will choose to build their own enchantments. This allows them to select from a variety of Minecraft enchantments for their weapons, armor, and tools. The anvil (together with an enchanted book) and the enchanting table are the two crafting stations that can be used to enchant objects. Enchanting tables are used more frequently; the anvil can only enchant the following things (in the Bedrock Edition):

  • Carved Pumpkins
  • Mob Heads
  • Shears
  • Flint and Steel
  • Carrot on a Stick
  • Shield

The only tools, armor, or weapons that cannot be enchanted in Minecraft are leads and horse armor.

Leveling up an ENchanting Table

Players will require even more books to level up an enchanting table. The enchantment table is leveled when a bookcase is placed one space away from it, with nothing between the table and the bookshelves. This allows players to customize their equipment with higher-level spells. Level 30 is the maximum potential enchantment level, which may be attained by arranging bookshelves in a square around the table:

Enchanting Items

There are two open spaces in the Enchantment menu that appear when a player interacts with the Enchantment table. The first is for the enchanted item, while the second is for the Lapis Lazuli required to enchant it. Lapis Lazuli is a purple-blue, smooth stone found in treasure boxes and mined in Minecraft. Players will receive a random set of enchantments added to their item dependent on the level of the enchantment table once it has been installed. Enchanting has a major randomized element, thus players can expect to disenchant and then re-enchant objects that don’t turn out as they expected.

Your player character’s experience level determines how high a level enchanting you may perform, with each enchant requiring 1-3 levels of experience. To do the enchanting, you’ll also need Lapis Lazuli. Each enchant requires 1-3 pieces, same to the stages.

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