Stronghold in Minecraft

by Mcpedlminecraft
Stronghold in Minecraft

A Stronghold is a procedurally created subterranean structure that may be discovered under the Overworld’s surface. It has a monster spawner as well as an end portal that can be filled in with 12 ender eyes to take you to the end.


As of version 1.9, each map may include up to 128 strongholds (only three spawn in the Xbox and PS3 editions). A spawner (for silverfish), an abundance of stone bricks, candles, boxes with randomised treasure, stone slabs, and blocks found mostly underground, such as cobblestone, are all present in most Stronghold in Minecraft.

The silverfish, which has 8 health, is a danger worth noting that may be found inside strongholds. In addition to the spawner, some of the blocks that make up the fortress will spawn silverfish when broken; the only difference between them and wool is their set mining pace. Coal, apples, rope, compasses, paper, books, iron bars, redstone, and occasionally a clock or gold ingots are some of the objects typically found inside a fortress.

Caves, subterranean ravines, abandoned mineshafts, ocean monuments, and even dungeons have all been known to cross a stronghold. Stronghold halls can also stretch out into a body of water, allowing the stronghold to be detected more easily. Strongholds created after 1.0.0 have a portal chamber with an inactive End portal that may be used to journey to the End when activated with 12 eyes of ender. In the End portal, there are sometimes already a few ender eyes.

Searching for a stronghold

Stronghold in Minecraft

Eyes of ender, made from an ender pearl and flame powder, may be used to find a stronghold. Finding a stronghold will almost certainly necessitate the use of several ender eyes.

Throwing an eye of ender, which will soar for a few blocks in the direction of the nearest stronghold before dropping to the ground or (20 percent chance) shattering, is the most basic technique of identifying the stronghold. The eye can be collected and tossed again if it does not break. The stronghold may be found by tossing and tracking the eyes in this manner. To reduce the number of eyeballs lost to shattering, it is suggested to go in the direction the eye drifted for a few hundred blocks before throwing again. When the stronghold is close by, the thrown eyeballs will constantly land in the same spot.Walking in different directions and re-throwing to check the coordinates to which the eyeballs consistently float can be used to validate the point.

Triangulating the stronghold from two distinct sites is a more effective method of locating it. Instead of following the eyes to the stronghold, record your original coordinates, toss eyes multiple times, and follow them until you get a next coordinate point 100 or so blocks apart. These two spots will form the start of a line that will lead to the fortress. Because a second line is required, the operation should be performed from a different beginning point, preferably one that is a significant distance away.

Exploration pointers

It is recommended that you carry some handy items with you when exploring a fortress.

Pickaxe – there may be mossy stone bricks or (very uncommon) ores that can be mined.

Sword or other weapons – numerous dangerous creatures, including swarms of silverfish, may be encountered, hence bringing at least a stone sword is strongly encouraged.

Ender’s Eyes are the most valuable resource while exploring and searching for a stronghold. To locate the stronghold and trigger the End portal, you’ll need these items.

Health Potions (Optional) – if assaulted by hostile creatures, your health may be depleted. Use healing potions to regain your health.

Armor made of iron or diamond is capable of keeping a player alive while battling foes within a fortress.

A bow and numerous arrows will come in handy later in the game while facing the Ender Dragon.

Food – all of the combat and exploration will deplete a player’s hunger points. Make sure you have enough food to satisfy at least three hunger points.

Compass (Optional) – This can be used to assist a player gain their bearings and navigate the stronghold’s various chambers and passages.

Strongholds, like caves, are quite gloomy on the inside. There will be a lot of torches needed.

Bed (Optional) – putting a bed in a stronghold and sleeping on it allows a player to stay in the stronghold rather than fleeing back a large distance if they die.

Silverfish are the most common monsters that spawn inside strongholds. Any monster that normally spawns in the dark can, nevertheless, be found inside, particularly when caverns or ravines connect.

While a stronghold does not have a predetermined design or layout, it does have a number of rooms that can appear. The following is a list of the rooms and their contents:

Halls are large rooms that may or may not include a fountain.Frequently used as a doorway and/or a link between rooms.

Jail: vacant rooms with iron bars, iron doors (which are usually left open), and buttons.

Tiny library: a collection of bookshelves, wooden planks, chests, and cobwebs in a small room.

Large library: similar to a small library, but with an extra balcony above with chandelier-style fencing and candles. Ladders link the first and second stories. On the balcony above, there is also a chest.

Vacant rooms: these rooms are self-explanatory, and they are frequently created on the sides of corridors.

End portal chamber: this area features a silverfish spawner and a disabled End portal that lies above lava.

Halls are large rooms that may or may not include a fountain Stronghold in Minecraft.

As a Foundation

If a player has been to a stronghold several times and is familiar with its layout, they may opt to utilise it as a secondary base. This has benefits, but it also has drawbacks, which are listed below:


If you’re playing on a server, “griefers” will have a hard time finding it if they don’t have the eyes of ender.

The map generator has already done the job for the players, so they don’t have to build or dig a base.

There is plenty of room for treasure and resources to be stored.

When travelling to a new location, it’s a good idea to bring anything that could be beneficial in a player’s new base, such as bricks.

If a player becomes lost in the overworld, they can use eyes of ender to locate their base, therefore bring some with you when you venture out.

There is always an End portal nearby if a player needs to get to the End (assuming the server does not have a warp function that goes to the End).


Players will require a large number of torches to ensure that no monsters spawn. Otherwise, they must be prepared to battle at all times.

However, presuming they’ve previously extensively examined it, there are probably already a number of torches strewn about.

If you’re playing in SMP, the aforementioned advantage also applies to other players who have ender eyes.

It’s easy for griefers to discover them because they’re typically exposed by ravines, abandoned mining shafts, and dungeons. However, by blocking the accidental entrances, a player may be able to make it more difficult for other players to find them.

Mining several stone bricks while travelling and following the above-mentioned instructions may awaken silverfish.

The speed with which it mines with the player’s hand is a simple method to tell the difference between normal and silverfish bricks. Even when players use their hands, silverfish bricks are demolished in 3 seconds.