Sweeping Edge in Minecraft

Sweeping Edge in Minecraft

In Minecraft, players can enchant their tools, weapons, and armor to add a number of interesting effects. The enchantments in Minecraft range from mending to fire resistance, and most of these are fairly straightforward in what they do.Enchantments are crucial to increase the performance, efficiency, and attacking power of your Minecraft’s tools. Different tools require different enchantments and each enchantment gives the tools a different effect. The world of Minecraft offers you numerous ways to make your footholds strong. Enchantments are one of those ways, and Sweeping Edge is one of those enchantments.It may be a little harder to understand what it does just by its name. Sweeping Edge in Minecraft

What is Sweeping Edge Enchantment

A Sweeping Edge is an enchantment that increases the overall damage power of a sword. Generally, a Sweeping Edge is all about damage and destruction. So, if you think that’s the only benefit you can have from it, you need to reconsider. Sweeping Edge is much more than an enchantment for your sword. If you wish to increase your survival rate, you won’t find better enchantment than the Sweeping Edge.

Sweeping Edge in Minecraft

The Sweeping Edge Enchantment in one of the many enchantments in Minecraft. It adds more damage to the sweeping version of a player’s attack. Sweeping attacks are only attained if a player’s attack recharge meter is at 84.8% or higher and the player is either standing still or walking. Anything below 84.8% recharge or any movement faster than a walk will not produce a sweeping attack. The sweeping attack is a downward motion of a sword, and it usually knocks an enemy back.

Supported Platforms

The Sweeping Edge Enchantment is only available in the Java Version of the game and is not available for the Pocket edition, Windows 10 Edition, Education edition, or any console version. So if players are playing Minecraft on their favorite console, this enchantment will not be an option for adding more damage to their favorite weapons.

Enchant Command for Sweeping Edge

Enchant Command in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac)

  • Sweeping Edge I: /enchant @p sweeping 1
  • Sweeping Edge II: /enchant @p sweeping 2
  • Sweeping Edge III: /enchant @p sweeping 3

Minecraft swords enchanted with Sweeping Edge deal 1 + Attack Damage x (Sweeping Edge level / (Sweeping Edge level +1)) rounded up. Attack damage is defined as the sword’s total damage after Sharpness, Smite, and other factors are taken into the sword’s base damage amount. The Sweeping Edge Level is the tier of the Sweeping Edge Enchantment; there are three total levels of the enchantment. The three levels raise attacks by:

  • Sweeping Edge I – 50% Sweeping damage
  • Sweeping Edge II – 67% Sweeping damage
  • Sweeping Edge III – 75% Sweeping damage

What Is Sweeping Edge Good For ?

Sweeping Edge is a must-have enchantment for your sword when many hostile mobs and zombies around you. You can kill tons of mobs in no time. Sweeping Edge is suitable for:

  •  Surviving In Minecraft Gameplay 

When you use a sword enchanted with sweeping Edge, you can easily win your enemies as a sweeping edge sword is more efficient than a simple sword. It will help you to protect yourself from your enemies.

  •  Battling With Your Enemies More Effectively

The sweep attack damage would be effective when you have the undead mobs and zombies around you. So, get this enchantment for your sword to compete with your enemies.

  •  Enhancing The Performance Of Your Sword

You can enhance the performance of your weapon with the sweeping Edge

  • Increasing Your Chances To Kill Ender Dragon 
  • Hitting More Than One Mob In A Single Hit

An enchanted sword will help you to kill multiple players in no time. You can get rid of your maximum number of enemies in a single hit. It is the most important output of an enchanted sword. 

  • Fighting Creepers, Zombies, And Skeletons

You can easily fight with the creepers, zombies, skeletons, monsters, and wild creatures using your sword enchanted with sweeping Edge. You can also fend off your enemies with it. 

Do Sweep Attacks Do Less Damage?

Sweeping Edge is the most efficient enchantment for the sword. Sweep attacks help to increase your sword’s attack damage up to level III. You can use this enchantment with different levels. These attacks allow you to fend off your enemies when you have a handful of mobs around you. These attacks are more damaging and deadly when compared with simple attacks. You can hit your enemy with the 75% enhanced performance of your enchanted sword. 

A sweeping attack is a kind of attack in which you can easily knock back all the enemies within 0.25 blocks vertically and one block horizontally around the targeted mob. It also shows that you can effectively kill more than one player at a time. Sweep attacks will do minor damage when you are moving in your world.


We hope that we have helped you better understand the mechanics of Sweeping Edge   in Minecraft and how to use it in the gameplay. If you ever have doubts then we hope that you refer to this article to clear them. The next time that you play Minecraft don’t forget to try this feature. 

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