How to Make a Potion of Slowness (1:30) in Minecraft

How to make a Potion of Slowness (1:30) in Minecraft

Slowness potion (1:30) is used to reduce the speed by 15% while also contracting the field of view. You must first brew a potion of swiftness and fermented spider eye before making a potion of slowness (1:30). After that, you’ll need to produce a splash potion of slowness with the Brewing stand (1:30).

Using a Brewing Stand, make a Potion of Slowness (1:30).

You can use a brewing stand to manufacture a potion of slowness(1:30) after completing the needed components. To utilise it, walk over to the brewing station. To make a potion of slowness, combine fermented spider eye with potion of swiftness in a fire (1:30). This potion should be added to “ready to use” stock.

How to Make a Potion of Slowness (1:30) in Minecraft

The potion of slowness (1:30) may be seen in the image below. You can use a potion of slowness whenever you wish after producing it successfully.