How to make a Soul Campfire in Minecraft

How to make a Soul Campfire in Minecraft

Minecraft players may make use of soul campfires in a variety of ways. Due to their brilliant blue light, soul campfires repel any Piglins in the area. This is very handy in places like the Bastion Remnants in the Nether.

Soul campfires can be employed as decoration for daring builders because they look objectively wonderful. Soul campfires also have the advantage of not melting ice like conventional campfires. This will come in handy for those who work in the arctic.

How to make a Soul Campfire in Minecraft

Soul campfires were added to Minecraft in Update 1.16, and people have been using them ever since. They’re also compatible with the Minecraft 1.17 and 1.18 patches.

In Minecraft, learn how to make soul campfires.

Soul campfires are similar to conventional campfires in Minecraft, with the exception that the charcoal in the middle must be replaced with Soul Soil. If the player has access to soul soil, they can be readily manufactured in large quantities. The procedure is straightforward.

Where can I get Soul Soil?

Only the Soul Sand Valley biome has soul dirt. When a player sets fire to soul soil, it transforms into soul fire, which resembles the fire on the soul campfire.

On soul dirt, a shovel is recommended.

Soul campfires may also turn soul sand into soul soil, which is useful for making basalt generators.

The Wither, perhaps one of Minecraft’s most difficult bosses, may be spawned by combining soul soil with three wither skeleton heads.

In addition, unlike a typical campfire, soul campfires deal two hearts of harm instead of one.

While the light created by the soul campfire is lovely, it only has a brightness level of 10, compared to 15 for the standard campfire.

Soul campfires are a fantastic and simple addition to Minecraft that can be made by anybody who is currently logged in.

How to Build a Soul Campfire

Step 1: Travel to the Netherworld.

To access the Nether, you’ll need to create a Nether Portal. To do so, gather obsidian, cut it into a 4×5 rectangle, then fire it with a Flint and Steel. If you enter the purple portal, you will be sent to the Nether.

Step 2: Locate a biome called Soul Sand Valley.

The Soul Sand Valley Biome is a brand-new biome found in the Nether. Although Soul Sand has been there for a long, there is now a new resource called Soul Soil that may be obtained in the same locations. When you walk through Soul Sand, it has a disturbing appearance and slows you down.The hue of Soul Soil is similar, but it is wavy and does not slow you down. If you notice blue flames rising from the ground, you’ve arrived at the appropriate spot. You’ll need one of each type of Soul Sand or Soul Soil for each Soul Campfire you wish to build.

Step 3: Build the Campfire of the Soul

Now all you have to do is grab the remaining goods. Three pieces of wood and several sticks Place your Soul Sand or Soil in the centre of a Crafting Table, followed by three sticks and three pieces of wood. As an example, consider the following image:

That’s all there is to it for making a Soul Campfire. These aren’t as bright as a traditional campfire, but the blue flame makes them seem fantastic. These should provide you with a variety of aesthetic alternatives that may be colour coordinated with a more imaginative construction! These may also be used in an ice-building area because they won’t melt the frozen blocks as a regular campfire would.

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