How to make shears in Minecraft? 

by Mcpedlminecraft
How to breed the pigs in Minecraft?

Minecraft is all about creating mesmerizing designs, structures, and landscapes. This is  the place where you get to create a small world of your own Minecraft. That means you can put together various kinds of things to create a unique singularity of your own thoughts,ideas, and live in it. 

A shear is an equally important tool in the Minecraft gameplay that you can possibly add to this unique World of yours in Minecraft. 

In this article given below, we will consider the  various kinds of means by which you can create or add the shear to your gameplay in Minecraft. So do  follow this article to the very end in order to get the whole thing done. 

Now coming to the respective ways of adding the shear to your respective gameplay in Minecraft, you don’t really need to roam the  endless cities or dimensions for collecting a swarm there. 

Instead you can easily craft a shear in Minecraft by using the crafting table, or by using the respective summon command for  adding the shear in Minecraft. 

Before we head on to the respective processes of crafting or adding the shear to the gameplay in Minecraft, let us consider the editions of Minecraft that support the process of adding shear to your inventory in Minecraft gameplay.

These are the editions that you can use to add the shear to your gameplay in Minecraft. 

Java  Edition

Pocket Edition

Xbox 360

Xbox One



Wii U

Nintendo Switch

Windows 10 Edition

Education Edition

Now that we have known the versions and editions that support the shear feature in  Minecraft, let us move to the process of adding it. 

There are some other things as well that you need to know before moving to the process. The process of crafting shears will require you to add various items to the table, so as to obtain  the desired result. 

Required items

The process of crafting shears will require you  to add various items onto the crafting table for producing the final result. 

So you need to collect or gather those items or elements before beginning the process of creating or crafting the shear in Minecraft. 

The items or elements required for  crafting a shear in the  crafting table are;

  • 2 ingots

So , you will just be needing two shears in your respective Minecraft gameplay for creating a  shear there. 

Moving on to the process of creating shears, the very first step that you need to follow is  to open the crafting table at  the very first place. 

  1. Opening craft table

The crafting table is an easy and most sought to do process of crafting various things. Well, it gets  even more interesting as we are involved with shears. Now this time we are actually crafting shears, so the thoughts and inspiration of further crafting with the help of shears will take us to the final process. 

Follow the respective action or gesture for opening the crafting table in your device. 

After you have opened the crafting table, you will see that the crafting table consists of two  separate segments. 

The first section is the input section, it is that  place where we add the required elements so as to create the desired result. The other  section present on the  crafting table is the output section, where we collect the final product after the process is completed. 

How to make shears in Minecraft

The input section of the crafting table consists of  a square shaped box that has nine similar  shaped blocks inside it. The nine blocks are arranged in three columns and three rows.

The output section on the other hand has a  single block that  is present on the  center   of the output section in the crafting table. 

So, that was all about the crafting table. 

Moving to the important  step of our process, we have- arranging the items. 

  1. Arranging the items

Now that you have opened the crafting table  in your respective devices or editions of Minecraft, it’s time to arrange the required items inside the crafting table in an ascertain manner for crafting a shear there. 

Here, you need to get this one thing straight, that is you cannot simply arrange  the required items together and get a desired  result in the crafting table. 

On the other hand you do need to follow a specific manner of arrangement of the  required items in the crafting table for getting a specific  product. And that manner of  arrangement does differs for every single product in the crafting table. 

Follow the exact same manner of the  arrangements if the items as given below;

  • Arrange the two ingots in such a manner that one  ignit acquires the second position in the first column, and the other ingot acquires the  first position in the second column of the  square box in the crafting table. 


Place one ingot on the second position in the first row, and the other ingot on the first position in the second row of the  square box in the crafting table.

In other words, 

Place one ingot on the second position in the first level, and the other ingot on the first position in the second level of the square box in the crafting table.

After you place the required items in the similar manner in the crafting table, you will notice after a second or so that the shear has appeared inside the block in the final segment of the crafting table. 

Now that you have  successfully crafted a shear in the crafting table, you are good to use it in other  crafting tables for making some fascinating designs. 

Still you need to wait for a moment to use the shear for making various other attractive designed materials in Minecraft. 

The last step involves placing the finished product into the inventory of your gameplay in  Minecraft. 

  1. Adding the shear

This is the last step of the process of creating a   crack stone  brick in the Minecraft gameplay. 

You cannot possibly access a certain product that you have created in the crafting table unless you add it to the inventory. 

You need to follow the required step or gesture in your respective edition of Minecraft for adding the created crack stone  brick to your inventory. 

  • Follow the required steps or gestures in your respective edition of Minecraft for placing the crack stone  brick in the inventory. 

Here, you have successfully added the crack stone  brick to your gameplay in Minecraft. 

Now, you will be able to access this crack stone  brick inside the bar, present on the bottom of the Minecraft screen. 

Now that was one heck of a way of adding or creating the shear inside your Minecraft gameplay. 

There is one another way of adding the required item to your gameplay by using  the summon command feature. 

Summon command method

A summon command feature is a quite easy and direct way of adding a shear to your  gameplay in Minecraft.

There are a variety of commands in Minecraft gameplay that are associated with some specific action. Such as the locate command is used to locate the place associated with a certain name. And the time set command is used to change the time of the Minecraft gameplay to a certain point. 

The summon command allows you to summon or call for a creature or other items in the Minecraft gameplay. You can use the formula associated with a certain tool or animal for calling out that animal. 

By summoning the animal or creature in the gameplay, you actually demand or request the Minecraft to supply you that animal or creature.

The formula or command for adding the shear to your gameplay in different editions of Minecraft are;

Java Edition

The  formula for calling or adding the shear to your gameplay in Java  Edition version below 1.19 is;

/summon @p shear 1 

How to make shears in Minecraft

The formula for  adding the shear to your gameplay in Java Edition version above 1.19 is;

/summon @p shear 1 0

Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, and Education Edition

The formula for  adding the shear to your gameplay in the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, and Education Edition are;

/summon @p shear 1 0

Now that you have known the respective command for adding a shear  to your gameplay then it’s fine to type the shear there and finish the process. 

First of all, you need to open the chat window in your respective editions of Minecraft for typing the required command there. 

  • Follow the required steps or gestures in your respective editions of Minecraft for opening the chat window there. 

After you have opened the chat window in your respective devices, you need to type  the required summon command there for adding the shear in the gameplay. 

  • Press the Enter key in your respective devices or editions of Minecraft for confirming the required command. 

Here, you have successfully placed the summon command for adding the shear into your gameplay. 

Thereafter, you will notice that the shear has been successfully added to your inventory in the gameplay. 

Now, you will be able to access this shear in your respective gameplay from the bar, present on the bottom of the Minecraft screen. 

You will be able to use it there in your gameplay after you have selected it from the below given bar on your Minecraft screen. 

There, you can also add various enchantments to the shear in your respective gameplay for increasing the power and efficiency of that shear. 

The enchantments perform incredibly different  types of function in Minecraft gameplay, while  some of them increase the power and durability of the respective tool, some enchantments make them vulnerable for the player who subsequently uses it. 

The different types of enchantments that you can add to your shear in Minecraft are;

  • Curse of vanishing Enchantment
  • Mending 
  • Efficiency
  • Unbreaking 

Curse of vanishing Enchantment

This enchantment provides your respective tool with the ability to vanish the various kinds of curse that you come across in the gameplay in Minecraft. You don’t need to worry about any kind of curse in the gameplay after successfully enchanting your respective tool with this enchantment. 

Thus, you can use the tool to protect yourself from various kinds of curses in the gameplay. After you have successfully applied this  enchantment on your tool, any curse wouldn’t affect you in any way if you use this it there. 

Level of the enchantment is that level or number upto which you can apply it on sone  item or tool in Minecraft. 

There is  a limit upto which you can apply a certain enchantment on some  tool or item in Minecraft. 

Every enchantment has its own level of usage that subsequently differs from every other. 

The curse of vanishing enchantment has a  level of usage of 1. That means you can only use it once on your respective tool in the Minecraft gameplay. 

Efficiency Enchantment

The efficiency enchantment is one of the most popular and used enchantments in the  whole  Minecraft gameplay. This enchantment subsequently increases the ongoing process  that you have been performing with that tool in Minecraft. 

After you have successfully added the efficiency enchantment to a certain shear in Minecraft, you will be able to  cut the various  items and other things at  an alarming rate there. 

The efficiency enchantment can be easily added to your respective tool in Minecraft by using the Anvil, or Enchanting table, or enchant command. 

This enchantment has a level 5 usage in the Minecraft gameplay that means you can use it 5 times on any respective tool in Minecraft for increasing its speed. 

Mending Enchantment

This enchantment allows you to repair   your  tool from any kind of damage that some mob or other player has inflicted on it. 

As the name suggests, this enchantment significantly repairs your respective tool in  the  Minecraft gameplay, and restores it to its previous or original position. 

Unbreaking Enchantment

The unbreaking enchantment is one of the most essential and demanding enchantments in the whole Minecraft gameplay. This enchantment subsequently increases the time duration of your respective tool in Minecraft. 

This enchantment does not allow your tool to wear off with the advent of time. 

You may be familiar with the thing that your  tools and other tools get weary with time. And you need to replace them with other items or tools, but not in the case of the unbreaking enchantment. 

The  unbreaking enchantment is available in nearly all of the editions of Minecraft that are used by players from around the world. 

So that was all about creating the shear in Minecraft. 

Follow the links given below for getting a similar guide to the various processes related to adding the items, tools, or features in the Minecraft gameplay. 

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