How to Use the Effect Command in Minecraft

How to Use the Effect Command in Minecraft

There are many syntaxes for the command depending on what the player wishes to achieve. The syntax for giving an effect is “/effect give [seconds] [amplifier] [hideParticles]”. To remove an effect, use “/effect clear [effect]”.

The target tag corresponds to the player’s username. The effect tag is used to apply whatever effect is required. The duration is expressed in seconds. If none are specified, it will last 30 seconds. Amplifiers are also optional. It relates to the magnitude of the influence. The particle tag is likewise optional, depending on whether the particles should be concealed or not.

How to Use the Effect Command in Minecraft

If you type it correctly, this syntax will work. The orders are transmitted into the chat bar as normal, but only if they are enabled. This is possible in world settings, but it disables achievements.

There are many different effects that may be applied. Here is the entire list. In the syntax, an underscore separates effects with numerous words.


Bad Luck

Bad Omen


Conduit Power

Dolphin’s Grace

Fire Resistance



Health Boost

Hero of the Village

HungerInstant Damage

Instant Health


Jump Boost



