How to make an Enchanted Book in Minecraft

Armour Recipes in Minecraft

One of the coolest goods in Minecraft is an enchanted book. It allows players to enchant their tools, weapons, and armor with any enchantment they want. Players can even combine numerous enchanted books into a single item, resulting in a weapon, tool, or armor that is immensely powerful.

Fortunately, enchanted books aren’t uncommon in Minecraft. They can be discovered in a variety of created structures as well as through a variety of ways.

Enchanted books are the only way to get certain enchantments on specific tools in Survival, such as Unbreaking on shields. The sprite of enchanted books has a shine effect.

To utilize an enchanted book, the player must first place an item in the anvil’s first slot, then a book in the second slot. The player must have the needed amount of experience to complete the enchantment. It’s worth noting that using an enchanted book saves you a lot of money at the anvil. Similar to combining tools or weapons, enchanted books can be combined to produce a single book with increased or numerous enchantments.

When two items are combined, the appropriate enchantments from the second slot’s book are transferred to the first slot’s item, preserving the highest level of any type. When two enchantments of the same level and a higher level are available, they merge to become the next level. When a book is used on an item that can’t use all of the spells in it, the spells that can be used are transferred, while the spells that can’t are lost. Enchanted books are one-time usage only.

The magic of enchanted books is not visible. When used as a weapon, a book with Sharpness IV as an enchantment causes no more damage than an unenchanted book or any non-weapon item. The Fire Aspect book, which can start campfires and ignite TNT, is an exception, as is the Mending book if the block mined can be smashed by fist. (Only available in Bedrock Edition)

How to make an Enchanted Book in Minecraft

Now that you know about Enchanted Book, let’s start making it.

Items required to make an Enchanted Book

First of all, to make an enchanted item in Minecraft, you will need an Enchanting Table. 

Making an enchanting table is as simple as opening the 3×3 grid-based crafting area and combining the required items.  In the upper row of your 3×3 crafting table grid, place one Book in the middle column. In the middle row of your 3×3 crafting table grid, place one Obisidian Block in the middle column and two Diamonds in the first and last columns. In the lower row of your 3×3 crafting table grid, place three Obsidian Blocks in all three columns.

Simply click and drag the Table into your inventory.

How to make an Enchanted Book in Minecraft
  • One Book

You will need three Paper and one Leather to make a book. Open the crafting table to make the book in Minecraft. In the upper row of your 3×3 crafting table grid, place three Paper in all three columns. In the middle row of your 3×3 crafting table grid, place one Leather in the first column. Leave the lower row of your 3×3 crafting table grid unoccupied.

How to make an Enchanted Book in Minecraft
  • Three Lapis Lazuli

You can gather Lapis Lazuli by mining its ore with the help of a pickaxe in the Minecraft world. Lapis lazuli ore is extremely rare and only occurs in small concentrations. Lapis lazuli ore is commonly found between 11 and 27 blocks underground.

You can also craft Lapis Lazuli by placing one Lapis Lazuli block in the Crafting Table.

How to make an Enchanted Book in Minecraft

Directions to make an Enchanted Book

  1. Firstly collect all the required items.
  1. When you have all the items, open the Enchanting Table.
  1. Place the book in the first box in the Enchant menu. Then, in the second box, place three lapis lazuli. In Creative mode, the lapis lazuli does not need to be placed in the second box.
How to make an Enchanted Book in Minecraft

After you’ve placed your book and lapis lazuli in the two boxes, the enchantment slots will show up to three different enchanting possibilities. Each enchantment will have a number on the right that represents the number of experience levels required to view and unlock the enchantment (this is not the cost of applying the enchantment).

  1. In this case, the first enchantment requires 4 experience levels to open, the second requires 18 experience levels to unlock, and the third enchantment requires 30 experience levels to unlock.

The finer the enchantment, the higher the experience points necessary to access it. If you don’t have enough levels, you can always kill mobs or use the /XP command to gain more experience points.

  1. Choose the enchantment you want to use in the book.
How to make an Enchanted Book in Minecraft

Your lapis lazuli and experience points will be expended once you’ve chosen an enchantment, and the book will glow purple. Hover your pointer over the enchanted book to discover its new abilities.

  1. You can now put the book back into your inventory as an enchanted book.

You have finally made an Enchanted Book in Minecraft, enjoy playing!

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