How to Make Smooth Quartz in Minecraft

How to make Smooth Quartz in Minecraft

Smooth quartz is one of the many distinct materials that you may use or create in Minecraft, and it’s no exception. This material is a distinct variety of quartz that might be handy if you want to create a new theme for construction. We’ll go through how to get smooth quartz and everything you’ll need to manufacture it in this post.

In Minecraft, you’ll need the following materials to make smooth quartz.

  1. Furnace
  2. Coal or other fuel sources
  3. Block of Quartz

How to make smooth quartz in Minecraft

How to Make Smooth Quartz in Minecraft

Step 1: Place your furnace on the ground to produce polished quartz in Minecraft.

Step 2: Insert your fuel and quartz into their appropriate positions, then wait for the fuel to finish the job.

Step 3: Remove your smooth quartz and you’re ready to go.

Command Code

/give @p smooth_quartz 1


Smooth quartz has few use other than aesthetics.


What is the difference between smooth quartz and quartz?

Mostly for the sake of looks. This is because smooth quartz lives true to its name by making textures look smoother than their previous equivalent.

Q. Is it possible to convert smooth quartz chunks to quartz?


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